Short Synopsis

SEED is a story of a lonely android stranded on a barren planet searching for a precious artifact.
After crash landing on a freshly discovered planet, he decides to go further towards his original goal,
what was a mysterious ancient object hidden in one of the volcanoes of the planet.
The short film is a metaphor of getting through an art block and finding the next goal in life.

Director’s Statement

Seed is a deeply personal film and symbolises my journey through the art block I experienced one and a half years ago.
In one hand the lonely robot is me. He crashes and loses everything, no chance to get out of the planet he arrived, no hope, but he has to keep going… the state I was in back then. But he also symbolises my creativity and the core, the heart of our creativity is always an idea of what we are carrying inside. And from that point I am not the robot, but the barren planet itself.
And I had to get my creativity to the right place to make the planet flourish again…


About the Director

Mark Molnar has been creating artwork for films, games, and animation projects for 10+ years.
Currently, he is working as a regular project Art Director at Axis Animation, where he has worked on projects like the award-winning cinematics of Magic: the Gathering and the latest trailers and in-game cutscene animations of Bungie’s Destiny game. Besides that, he is running his boutique design outsource company Pixoloid Studios, providing concept art and illustration for clients like Universal, Paramount, Netflix, HBO, AppleTV, and Amazon.
SEED is his first personal full cg animated film.

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